
Accessibility to Geospatial Information

August 14, 2015

Montreal, Canada, August 14, 2015 - The OGC is an international consortium of companies, governments, and universities, whose mission is to advance the development and use of international standards and supporting services that promote geospatial interoperability. To accomplish this mission, OGC serves as the global forum for the collaboration of geospatial data/solution providers and users.

In partnering with OGC, K2 Geospatial’s desire is to promote its commitment, which has, since 1995, to "make information and spatial analysis tools within the reach of everyone developing software solutions designed to provide effective visual aids for technical and non-technical decision makers ".

About Open Geospatial Consortium
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international industry consortium of 525 companies, government agencies, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available interface standards. OGC® Standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services and mainstream IT. The standards empower technology developers to make complex spatial information and services accessible and useful with all kinds of applications.
To learn more, visit

About K2 Geospatial
Since 1995, K2 Geospatial has been committed to bringing spatial information and analysis tools within everyone’s reach by developing software solutions that provide effective visual aids to decision-makers. K2 Geospatial solutions are powered by JMap, a map-based integration platform designed to connect silos and offer user-friendly interfaces destined to non-technical users. JMap is deployed and used by hundreds of organizations in North, South and Central America as well as in Europe.
To learn more, visit

Since 1995, K2 Geospatial has been committed to bringing spatial information and analysis tools to everyone by developing software solutions that provide effective visual aids to decision makers.

1440 Sainte-Catherine O.,
Bureau 905
Montreal, QC H3G 1R8
+1 866-967-1211
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