
JMap FlightPath

Jean-Robert Desbiens-Haddad
March 28, 2024

Drone surveying is an increasingly common spatial data collection method. From asset inventories and inspections to riverbank inspections and construction site supervision, the use cases are nearly endless.

Depending on equipment and requirements, drone flights provide a range of products, including orthomosaics, scatter plots, digital elevation models, videos and photos, that can drive decision-making.

To put drone data at your fingertips in geomatics applications, we developed the FlightPath JMap extension. With this JMap NG extension, drone data—flight lines, orthophotos, snapshots and videos—is just a few clicks away.

In JMap projects, drone-captured data can be organized into layers and structured according to the needs of your organization, such as by campaign, date or site.

Flight lines are displayed on individual layers in the JMap project. They represent the drone’s exact flight route.

Tooltips on the flight lines provide campaign details and a button to play video captured during the flight.

Clicking the Play button will open a video player window with the usual controls. While the video is playing, a drone icon shows the synchronized position of the drone as it captured the video sequence. A triangle stretching away from the drone icon indicates the camera’s field of view while capturing the video.

Small yellow arrows along the flight line represent snapshots taking during the flight and point in the direction the camera was facing. Tooltips on each arrow show a thumbnail of the photo. Clicking the thumbnail will open the photo in full resolution.

Orthophotos generated from photos taken on drone flights can be displayed on the map. Note that orthophotos require preprocessing.

Data integration

Drone data can be manually integrated using JMap Admin. However, when drone campaigns are carried out at a sustained pace, integrating data by hand can become repetitive and time consuming.

That is why we developed a process to automatically integrate drone campaign data. Simply save the data to a folder and the process handles all steps automatically, including:

  • Orthophoto conversion as required
  • Photo integration based on their metadata
  • Video structuring and display optimization
  • Flight line interpretation and video geolocation
  • Project layer creation and organization in the structure of your choice.

The process can be customized to your needs.

This makes FlightPath a simple tool to easily access drone data and overlay it with other data layers right in JMap NG.

Do not hesitate to contact the K2 Geospatial team to learn more about FlightPath or to request a demo.

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Since 1995, K2 Geospatial has been committed to bringing spatial information and analysis tools to everyone by developing software solutions that provide effective visual aids to decision makers.

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